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This is a 170 page weight loss and weight management guide book.


It is a science based, medically oriented and clinically validated approach to help take the mystery, confusion and frustration out of the weight loss process.

It explains how and why weight gain occurs, examining both physiological and biological factors as well as psychological and emotional issues.

It offers tools and methods to deal with and counter the responsible weight promoting factors and help set in motion ways to achieve a 'safe, significant and sustainable healthy weight'.

It presents a common sense, logical and medically accurate program of insightful education and motivational encouragement to help overweight individuals regain control over their eating behaviors and their weight.

It is drawn from more than 25 years  of clinical experience in treating individuals to safely and effectively improve their health and enhance their physical appearance.

Lose It And Keep It Off by


Peter D. Vash, M.D., MPH

The LOSE IT AND KEEP IT OFF guide book

170 page weight lose guide book

DAE food journal

Overcoming weight loss barriers

Weight regain prevention guidance

Preventing weight loss plateaus

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